The Jigsaw Protection model is now known as the Jigsaw Threat Mitigation Model
The Jigsaw Threat Mitigation Model SM is the Jigsaw developed methodology for protecting our customers and for providing a framework for our MSP partners to manage the security of their clients. The JTMM as we are calling it has replaced the original Jigsaw Protection Model which we previously use for auditing our customers. This 6 phase approach to security includes personnel and insider threat mitigation, intelligence collection and application within networks using Jigsaw FirstWatch SM products and the Jigsaw Analytic Platform SM.
Together with the model, customers can use Jigsaw developed tools to ensure the highest level of security possible at a reasonable cost. We believe that while cyber security is important, more focus should be on the human aspects of security and the creation of processes that drive security as part of a companies overall strategy. The adoption of this model will also allow Jigsaw Security to support the US Department of Homeland Security CDM recommendations as well as the application of of NIST recommendations in an easy, cost effective manner for most organizations, Government and customers with a few items to protect. Our scaled approach ensures that every customer can afford a Jigsaw Security solution based on their individual risk profile and individualized needs.
Security doesn't have to be hard and should not cost more than the damage that could be caused by the loss of proprietary or sensitive information.

Jigsaw Product Alignment
Phase 1 - Personnel and Insider Threat
Background checks by a licensed and authorized Private Investigation Company
Training in several areas to include active shooter mitigation, workplace violence, policies and procedures and protection of intellectual property. Training is provided in the Jigsaw University with both end user training, security staff training and executive protection training. In addition we also provide vetting of contractors and supply chain to include review of ITAR and NIST guidelines.
Phase 2 - Intelligence Collection and Application
One of the hardest things for companies to understand is that intelligence comes from within. The most valuable threat intelligence comes by using what information can be gathered or processed that directly relates to threats faced by your own organization. While threat intelligence feed products are utilized in the Jigsaw FIrstWatch SM products, the most valued intelligence is what is being produced by a companies log files, audit logs, exterior attack surface, firewalls, IDS systems and deception platforms. The information collected must be applied and in this phase we utilize the JIgsaw Analytic Platform SM and the Jigsaw FirstWatch SM Sensors to ensure that you are able to effectively monitor what is occurring within your enterprise environment. Collection methods and procedures for what to do with intelligence are critical to understanding how you are being targeted. An evaluation of intelligence application and effectiveness ensures that you are collecting the correct information and making the best use of your intelligence resources. In addition Jigsaw Security provides intelligence alerting for external detection of proprietary information that may be exposed on the dark web or other public web resources.
Phase 3 - Physical Controls
In the third phase of our model we evaluate the effectiveness of surveillance systems to ensure safety and adequate monitoring of facilities as well as the effectiveness of access controls and security personnel charged with physical security of corporate, Government or locations storing sensitive and proprietary information to include classified information, proprietary processes and intellectual property. Various testing is conducted to ensure the effectiveness of physical controls are adequate for protecting employees, contractors, trade secrets and to ensure that information not authorized to leave a facility is able to be detected if theft or intellectual property is being targeted.
Phase 4 & 5 - Cyber Security Controls and Counter Operations
In these phases, we evaluate the effectiveness of network systems to include access to systems as well as auditing logging and application logging of systems. We also ensure that adequate forensics policies and procedures are in place for legal evidence collection. In addition Jigsaw Security ensures that an incident handling framework is applied to ensure that evidence that is collected is stored in consistent and legally approved formats for prosecution or long term storage in the event of an employee termination, breach or other non standard cyber security incident.
In addition to cyber security related items, Jigsaw Security ensures that operational security to include executive protection is adequate for the protection of high valued targets. In many cases we have determined that executives are heavily targeted so we employ methods to ensure secured communications and operational security processes and procedures to ensure protection of executive resources and officers.
In addition to protecting assets, we heavily test to ensure that the procedures are working on an continually monitored basis.
Phase 6 - Audit and Documentation
All application of the model leads to the proper documentation and auditing to ensure continued compliance and adherence to the methodology as a whole. Audits are regularly conducted on an ongoing basis to uncover many types of threats outlines in the protection model. In addition to auditing we ensure that normal procedures are documented properly and that staff are following the proper procedures for normal operations. In addition to normal operations, we ensure that abnormal operations are addressed to ensure that the teams employing the protection model can effectively respond when natural disasters, violence in the workplace or other abnormal conditions existing. By planning for these threat ahead of time we ensure that the company can operate safely and securely and that critical assets are maintained in the most secure manner possible.
As part of our Audit and Documentation. The Jigsaw Security LockDown and Audit utility is used to ensure that administrators are adhering to the NIST, STIG, ITSG or CDM recommendations and maintaining an audit ready condition at all times.
Because our method is proprietary we have only given a brief outline of what occurs at each section. Customers must sign Non-Disclosure Agreements prior to receiving training and for authorization to utilize the full model.
Is this model effective?
Jigsaw Security has been utilizing this model since 2014 when the original Jigsaw Protection Model was originally designed. Updated in 2018 the Jigsaw Threat Mitigation Model SM is a much more direct approach at ensuring continual compliance and a known security posture. While no model is 100% perfect, Jigsaw Security has not had a single malware or virus infection on a Jigsaw protected system since 2014 when we adopted our original JPM stance. We believe that this new approach is even more comprehensive after years of feedback and quality control and look forward to ensuring that our customers are secure for years to come. The key to our success is the proper application of technology and the right training. Only properly trained individuals and organizations can prevent security risk from introduction onto your secure enclaves and systems. And continual monitor of personnel will ensure that insiders will be identified so that they can be removed, prosecuted or monitored for evidence collection in a court approved and authorized manner.
Need additional information or a consultation?
Fill out the information requested below and a sales representative will reach out to find out if the Jigsaw Threat Mitigation Model SM is right for your organization.