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New Anti-Terrorism Database in Final Testing

Jigsaw Development Team

One of the greatest challenges is to get ahead of terror related attacks. It is easy to find information about attacks after the fact but to truly understand motives, why the attack took place at a certain time and other relevant details huge amounts of information must be analyzed.

Jigsaw Security has been working with several partners in the Law Enforcement and Government space to create an Anti-Terrorism data product to allow research on determining the threat level of a particular location based on recent items in other sources such as news, political environment, threats by terror groups, etc. By putting all of the information in a system that can uniformly analyze what is happening we can begin to understand why attacks are occurring in a particular location and why that location was chosen allowing us to re mediate security issues in the future.

It's all about the data - New Data Streams are making it easier to judge terror risk

In the past many data sources were limited to only what was reported in the open media. Today we have a unique capability to tie events, to persons and to things such as social media, telephone usage, methodology and more.

This dataset will be provided through the Jigsaw Security Fusion offering and will be available next month. Please keep following our news and information streams for additional information.

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