Today activity has been moderate but lower than yesterday.
Activity Observations
Noted lots of phishing activity. Specifically COVID-19 vaccination themed phishing attempts
APT31 reports of activity although we haven't specifically seen the reported activity on any of our monitored or managed networks
Lucky Elephant a campaign targeting Pakistan
Uber Eats mobile application targeting via malicious APK
Observed a malicious threat actor selling an Android based banking trojan named Huracan
Noted phishing from olx-qa[.]me reported from multiple customers
Noted Twitter themed phishing using a previously identified domain for an APT threat actor as well as Instagram themed examples (believed to be connected)
UK based phishing targeted at UK tax filings
In addition we added the following documents for reference
No reference documents added today
Some of our ISAC partners have also provided additional context on some of the above listed events that has been included in our threat intelligence data.
Other Notes
Nothing additional today
Last Updated: 8:26 PM EST